Welcome to On Time Group

Everyone works hard to grow their business but only a few people really think hard to start and upgrade their business fast. People say that smart entrepreneurs realize that their best resources come from what they know. They accept that they needed a habit of daily learning if they want to succeed in their chosen field. They may not know everything but they believe that they can be smart by fresh data and creative mindset.

Electronic Addiction Conference

Festivals and Campaigns

Arab Eve Conference and Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Arab-African International Investment Conference

Festivals and Campaigns



Blood Pedia


Blood Pedia

Development Web Design


Development Web Design

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Afrian Asian Festival

Festivals and Campaigns

Arab-African International Investment Conference

Festivals and Campaigns

Arab-African International Investment Conference

Festivals and Campaigns

Proficiency all the Time

On Time Group is a multifunctional and operational family business. It merge the industrial filed with management and trading to generate a complementary work. It has been established to serve various range of customers within their sectors domains as products or services. Since 1980s, projects have been planned, designed and implemented for private, public as well social sector.